Online Seminars
By completing this form, you are agreeing that you are happy to use a third-party software package (Zoom) to participate.
The Lightning Process is a training programme and while there is no requirement for you to share personal information with other members of the group, some people may choose to do so; because of this, we will require your agreement to maintain confidentiality with regard to personal information shared by others during the training.
Conditions of Payment
Once paid, you have seven days to cancel your booking and receive a full refund if training has not commenced. After this, fees cannot be refunded in the event of a cancellation on your part, or a failure to complete the training. This is because I run small group trainings with limited spaces; if you take up a space and cancel, no one else will be able to fill it once the course starts. However, if you cancel at short notice and we are able to fill your space your fees will be refunded.
I reserve the right to terminate your training if I feel your continued participation would be unhealthy or unhelpful for you or another member of the training group. Your fees will not be refunded in these circumstances.
Cancellation of Seminars
On occasion, unforeseen circumstances may make it necessary for me to cancel a seminar and accordingly we reserve the right to cancel seminars where appropriate. In such circumstances, you will be given as much notice as possible and I will either refund the full seminar fee or, if you request, move the training to an alternative date. Liability for any losses other than the seminar costs will not be accepted.
In completing this form, you are agreeing to protect the copyright and Intellectual Property of the materials provided by the Lightning Process Practitioner. All documents you receive as part of your training constitute intellectual property and are not to be reproduced, lent, sold or by any other method disseminated to any other person or entity without the express written permission of Lightning Process Ltd. Such restriction applies equally to the entire contents of the materials or any part of them.
You are also agreeing not to record or take photos during the seminar. Such restriction applies equally to the entire contents of the seminar or any part of them.
Copyright Notice
The purpose of the Process is to apply it to resolve your personal issue(s). Participation in the Process does not amount in any way to permission to reproduce or train others in any of the techniques or materials (including graphical images, text, audio or visual presentation) that are demonstrated or provided.
Data Protection Policy
The Head Office for the Register of Lightning Process Practitioners is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and all information is held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2016/679 (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 1998. Please refer to the Lightning Process Head Office Privacy Policy here:
Keeping in Touch
You can decide to have your attendance certificate logged, together with your name, certificate number and email address with the Lightning Process Head Office. This will:
- Ensure that it can be replaced in case of loss
- Help us with our research and statistics
- Help us to check that you have received the high standard of care we expect from members of our register
In addition to the logging of your details for the purposes outlined above, we would also like to occasionally inform you of relevant developments in the Lightning Process® and its associated programmes. This is an optional service. Your details will never be passed on to anyone else for any reason.
In order to conduct further research into the Lightning Process we would like to contact you at regular intervals to monitor your progress. We will not use any details by which you may be identified in any statistics that we produce.